NAPKIN CALC 1.1 by MACAPA ------------------------- So, youÕre asking yourself, what can IÊdo with this product? Well, essentially, this is a spreadsheet-like program. It lets you create sheets in which you can enter numbers and text, and perform calculations on the numbers you entered. One of the many strong points of Napkin Calc is that you can have more than one sheet on your screen at a time. It is also fairly easy to use. This program does not wish to present itself as a Òsuper powerfulÓ, all knowing, calculation machine. ItÕs purpose is simply to let you run a few calculations on the fly, and also print or fax a nice looking report. If you only wish to find out whatÕs been changed since the last version, you can skip to the end of this document. REGISTERING You can use Napkin Calc for free for 15 days, after which, if you decide to keep using it, we ask that you send us 25$. What you get in return is a personal user ID that you can enter in the Registration screen (the one that shows up every time you start Napkin Calc), and gives you the right to our priority support. Users of some of our other products (like List-It)Êcan attest to the fact that we try to please our registered users as much as we can, and answer their questions as quickly as possible. GETTING STARTED When you first open up NapkinÊCalc, the first thing you see (after the registration screen), is a blank area. The first thing you might want to do is create a new sheet by taping on the New button. YouÕll then be presented a blank sheet in which you can enter anything. The easiest way of entering a formula is to enter a Ò-Ó in a blank cell. This will bring up the formula editor in which youÕll be able to enter a function you wish to perform on the data you entered. Also, you can print, fax, beam or mail a sheet just as easily as in any other application. Just make sure you have a sheet open (and up front) before you try to print it. ThatÕs it for the most basic information. We strongly recommend that you read this entire manual, as well as the WARNING file. Both provide important information that will help you use Napkin Calc to itÕs fullest. This program provides many features and a few ÒhiddenÓ (or less obvious)Êgoodies which you might not be able to find without reading about them. ENTERING DATA When you have created a new sheet with the New button, you can enter data in any cell currently visible simply by writing in it with your pen. No need for special editors, just write and see the result place itself in the correct cell. The data in the cell can be edited using the same methods youÕre used to using in other applications on your device. This mean that you can scrub, insert spaces, double-tap, etc. One of the buttons you might find useful is the ÒAÓ button. This button indicates that you can enter anything in the cells you see. If you tap on the button, itÕll change itself to show a Ò3Ó, this means that you can now ONLY enter numbers in the cells. This is practical if you do a lot of numerical input, since number interpretation is often more accurate if we tell the program what to look for. To return to normal data entry, tap on the Ò3Ó button, the ÒAÓ will reappear, meaning that things are back to normal. TIP:ÊRecognition works a lot better if you take your time when entering data. Although it is possible to write quickly in many different cells, we have noticed that the best results are obtained if you relax and not rush things. CHANGING A SHEETÕS NAME As youÕve probably noticed, your sheet is called ÒNewsheetÓ. Not very descriptive. YouÕd like to change this name to something more suiting? Easy!ÊDouble-tap on the title itself, youÕll see the grid disappear and be replaced by an area in which you can change the sheetÕs name, as well as enter a few comments. When youÕre finished, double-tap in he sheetÕs header once again to see the cells reappear. SEEING MORE DATA / NAVIGATING Your maximum space currently available is 26 columns by 40 rows. But you can not see them all at once on your screen. Therefore, you might want to move around your sheet to see the rest of the information you entered. The simplest method is to tap in one of the four scroll arrows (up, down, left and right). These arrows will scroll your sheet by a predetermined number of cells. You can also move your sheet around by tapping in the title of the sheet and dragging it around on the screen. Once a sheet is where you want it to be, you can change itÕs size by tapping in itÕs lower right corner (on the little black box). This will let you move the corner of the sheet around and make your display area as big, or as small as you wish it to be. Cells can be resized. If you tap on a line or column, they can be dragged around so you can have bigger (or smaller) columns and lines. This lets you display more data on screen at a time, or have more space between what you entered. Resizing cells also helps you prepare a presentable spreadsheet (cells sizes are taken into account when printing/faxing). Resizing cells can be undone using the Undo button. The last, and probably the neatest option is to tap on a sheetÕs Map button. ThatÕs the button situated in the upper right corner of a sheet, just next to the close box. If you hold the pen down a moment, youÕll see a graphical representation of your total available space (ie:Ê26 columns by 40 rows). Your current position will be represented by a little black rectangle which you can move around my moving your pen. If you let the pen go, your sheet will immediately move to the area where the box could be seen. To help you find your way around the map, little lines indicate where youÕve entered data. If you bring the black marker over some of those lines and lift up the pen, youÕll see the data you entered there. TIP:ÊYou can quickly go back to the first cell in your sheet by double-tapping on the Map button. SEEING A SHEET So you created a sheet, quit and went back in, and you want to see your sheet. The screen is blank, where has it gone?ÊItÕs still there, but you must tell Napkin Calc you want to see it. To do this, tap on the Overview button (also known as the belly button, at the bottom of your screen). This will bring up a window in which you see the names of all the sheets you created. To have a sheet appear, just tap on itÕs name. When youÕre finished with this list of sheets, you can close it by tapping in the close box at the upper right of itÕs window. A short cut is to tap on the applicationÕs title. This will bring up a list of sheets from which you can quickly select the one youÕd like to see. OPTIONS One of the buttons you find at the bottom of your screen is called Options. If you tap it, youÕll see a menu of things you can do. HereÕs a brief description of what these choices are. EDIT PREFERENCES This is where you set certain default values that will be used throughout the program. Show Sheet Headers: Many people need to see what is commonly called a ÒheaderÓ when looking at a sheet. By selecting this option, the sheets you open will have both horizontal and vertical headers (ie: columns from A to Z and rows from 1 to 40). Remember Opened Sheets: Selecting this check box lets Napkin Calc remember which sheets were open the last time you exited the program. The next time you reenter Napkin Calc, those sheets will be automatically opened. Double Tap Opens:ÊThis choice lets you decide what you want Napkin Calc to do when you tap twice in a cell. If Keyboard is selected, a double tap will either show a choice of words or bring up the keyboard for data entry. Please note that if you have set your data entry option to numeric values only, the numerical keyboard will open when you double tap. Scroll:ÊYou can enter horizontal and vertical scroll values. This means that, when you tap on one of the scroll arrows, the front most sheet will scroll by the number you entered in this area. For example, if you enter 5 in the Vertical field and tap on the Down arrow, the sheet will scroll down by five cells. Remove Everything: If you decide to remove Napkin Calc from your device, you must first use this button. It will ask for confirmation and then remove all the data that was created with Napkin Calc. If you remove Napkin Calc without using this button, all the data stored in your memory will still be there. This is not bad in itself, itÕs just that it takes a bit of space. SETÊATTRIBUTES The way things appear in your sheet might not always be the way you want them to be. This is why we have this command. It lets you decide how certain cells will look. Once youÕve selected the command, a dialog appears with all the available options. The first thing you should do is select the cell(s) you wish to affect. To select a cell, simply tap on it. If you wish to select a range of cells, tap on the first cell youÕd like and move your pen across your screen until the selection box surrounds all the desired cells. When you let the pen go, youÕll see your cell coordinate (or a coordinate range, if you selected many) appear next to ÒSelected cell(s)Ó at the bottom of the dialog. Now you have to set all the attributes for a cell. Once all is as you wish, tap on the Return button (the one above the close box), and your selected cells will be affected. SET FORMATTING This option works like the Set Attributes command in that you have to select a cell (of range of cells)Êto affect. But instead of changing their look, you change the way numbers are formatted. Of course, this implies that you will be affecting cells with numbers in them. There is a Choose button which displays a list of formats you can use for your numbers (with dollars signs, without, etc.). The default formatting is plain (with no formatting in particular). You can also set how many decimals youÕd like to see. We recommend that you choose a value between 0 and 9. When youÕve finished, tap on the Return button to affect the selected cells. SELECT AND MOVE Sometimes, you may find that the data you entered is not where you would like it to be. This command lets you move it around anywhere on the screen. The first thing you have to do is select the command. Now, select the cell (or cells) youÕd like to move (see the Set Attributes section for more information on this) and lift up the pen. Your selected cells will stay highlighted. To move them around, tap once more in the selection rectangle and move your pen around. The destination (those cells into which the selection will be copied) will be highlighted in black. Move your pen until the correct set of cells is highlighted and let it go. Your original cells will then be emptied and their content will be copied into the destination cells. SELECT AND COPY This command works the same way as the Select and Move command, except your original selection is not erased. SELECT AND FILL This command lets you save time if ever you need to have a value or a formula copied into many cells. To do this, select the Select and Fill command from the Options menu and select cells youÕd like to affect. The first cell (either the topmost or leftmost cell, depending on the orientation of your selection) will be copied into all the other cells you selected. If you decide to fill cells with a formula, the coordinates in the formula will be transposed. For example, if you decide to fill down a series of cells with the formula ÒA1+1Ó (contained in the first cell), your formula will become ÒB1+1Ó, ÒC1+1Ó, ÒD1+1Ó... At the moment, Napkin Calc does not support 2D fills (for example, selecting 6 cells, the first 3 being copied into the three remaining cells). Any 2D selection will see the contents of the first cell copied into all the other cells, whether they be on a different line or in a different column. ROUTING The button with the envelope on it is called the Routing button, it lets you do a few other things with the front most cell... PRINT / FAX SHEET Prints (or faxes) the currently selected (ie: front most) sheet. If your sheet is rather large, it may take a few pages. See your deviceÕs user manual for more information regarding these commands. BEAM If you have someone else who owns a copy of Napkin Calc, and youÕd like to send them a sheet youÕve made, this command will let you do this. The person receiving the sheet will have an exact copy your sheet. MAIL If that someone youÕd like to send a sheet to is not in the same building, you might want to send them your sheet by electronic mail. You also have the option of sending a Òtext onlyÓ copy of your sheet. This Òtext onlyÓ sheet can be seen by anyone with e-mail, but can not be put into Napkin Calc. DELETE Deletes the front most sheet on your screen. This command can be undone. DUPLICATE Makes a copy of the current sheet and adds ÒCopy ofÓ in front of the name. This command can be undone. MOVE FROM/TO CARD Just in case you didnÕt know, when you create a new sheet, it can either be stored in Internal RAM or on a RAM card (if you have one). How do you know where a sheet is going to be created? You decide, by putting a check in the ÒStore new items on cardÓ button (in the preferences dialog, accessible from the Extras drawer). But how do you remember if your sheets have been created a while ago? You donÕt have to! Now, when editing a sheet that is stored on a RAM card, a small triangle will appear at the right of your sheetÕs title. You can move your sheet FROM the RAM card into Internal memory (or vice versa) with the ÒMove From/To cardÓ option in the Routing menu. If you move a sheet from a card into Internal RAM, the triangle will disappear to indicate where the list is stored. FORMULAS Of course, which spreadsheet would be complete without a way of entering formulas. Please remember, though, that Napkin Calc aims to be a simple program with simple formulas. We do not wish to reproduce all the functions that can be found on some of the more powerful applications also available. So everything you desire might not be in here... yet! To see the formula editor, you have a few options. The simplest one is to enter a Ò-Ó in an empty cell. This will automatically bring up the formula editor. Other options include double tapping on a cell (if you set your preferences to open the formula editor on a double tap), or double tapping on a cell which already holds a formula. In this last case, the editor will always open, whatever your preferences might say. When the dialog is open, one of the things you see is the coordinate of the cell in which the formula is going to be put into (at the top left of the dialog). Next to that is the space where the actual formula can be either written in by hand, or entered with some of the various buttons available. The formula itself can be manipulated the way normal text usually is, with the pen. All formulas must begin with Ò=Ó. This is why there is a Ò=Ó button. If you ever happen to erase it by accident, you can always paste it back in. The numbers buttons simply add a number in the formula. The operators buttons (*, /, +, -) are also fairly straightforward. Your formula could be as simple as Ò7*3Ó. By tapping on the Return button (the one above the dialogÕs close box), youÕd see Ò21Ó appear in the cell you wanted to affect. Of course, sometimes you want a bit more flexibility than that. If you want your formula to be ÒB2+4Ó (B2 being the coordinate of a cell whoÕs content you wish to use in the calculation), tap on the cell which would be B2, then tap on the Ò+Ó and on the Ò4Ó. When you tap on return, Napkin Calc will take the content of B2, add 4 to it and show you the result. If you decide to change B2Õs value, the calculationÕs result will also be updated. Naturally, sometimes you need to do more than simple arithmetics, so we included a few basic functions we thought you might find useful. Almost all of these commands look like this:Ê(). The parenthesis will hold the values you wish to have the function affect or use. They can be either a number, a cell coordinate, or a list of cells. This depends on the selected function. Our functions are divided in categories. This will help you find them faster. Here is a rundown of what those functions are and what they expect to find between their parenthesis. It can be either of two things:ÊÒnumberÓ or ÒlistÓ. If it says ÒnumberÓ, than the function expects a simple number or a cell reference. If itÕs ÒlistÓ, than it expects something like ÒA2:A5Ó. To select a list of cells, see the Set Attributes command. The selected range will put itself automatically between the parenthesis. STATS These are functions that help you with statistical calculations. AVG(list): calculates the average of a list of cells. COUNT(list): counts how many cells have some numerical content in them. MAX(list): returns the highest value in a list of cells. MIN(list): returns the lowest value in a list of cells. STDDEV(list): calculates the sample standard deviation (least squares method) using the values in the list of cells. SUM(list): performs an addition on all the selected cells. VAR(list): calculates the sample variance of the values found in the list of cells. FINAN. These are functions that help you wit calculations of an economic nature. Please note an important limitation of Napkin Calc. You can not enter a rate such as FV(payment, (.01/12), nb of payments). That is to say that you can not include a formula as a parameter in any of the financial functions below. You can enter the result (0.1/12 = 0.008333) or place the formula in another cell and use the cell reference instead. ANNUITY(rate ; nb of periods): calculates the annuity as determined by the values of ÒrateÓ and Ònb of periodsÓ. COMPOUND(rate ; nb of periods): calculates the compound interest as determined by the values of ÒrateÓ and Ònb of periodsÓ. DB(investment ; term ; rate ; period): returns the depreciation amount for a specific period, based on the original investment, the number of periods over which to depreciate and a straight-line rate multiplier. FV(payment ; rate ; nb of payments): returns the future value (compounded) based on interests earned during payments over a certain period. ÒPaymentÓ is the amount of each payment, ÒrateÓ is the interest rate per period and Ònb of paymentsÓ is the duration. PMT(principal ; rate ; term): calculates how much you must pay for each period, based on the periodic rate you entered, and for the amount of time specified by ÒtermÓ. PV(payment ; rate ; nb of payments): returns the value of a series of payments, based on a periodic interest rate and a duration of Ònb of paymentsÓ. SL(investment ; residual ; nb of periods): returns the straight-line depreciation amount, based on ÒinvestmentÓ, for a series of periods, and for the duration of Ònb of periods.Ó GEN. Used for general mathematical purposes. ABS(number): returns the absolute (positive) value of a number . EXP(number): returns e raised to the power you specify with ÒnumberÓ. IF(x;y;z): if the value of ÒxÓ is different than zero, IF returns ÒyÓ, if ÒxÓ is equal to zero, ÒzÓ is returned. LN(number): returns the natural logarithm, or log base e, of ÒnumberÓ. LOG(number): returns the common logarithm, or log bas 10, of ÒnumberÓ. POW(x;y): returns the value of x to the yth power (ex:ÊPOW(3;2) returns 9). RAND(x;y):Êreturns a random number between x and y. ROUND(number): rounds the number to zero decimals. SQRT(number): returns the square root of a number. TRIG. These functions are for trigonomical calculations. All of them follow the (number) pattern. Except PI which simply returns 3.1415927. These commands are:ÊACOS(), ASIN(), ATAN(), ATAN2(x;y), COS(), PI(), SIN(), TAN(). Also, ATAN2(x;y) gives the arctangent of x and y. DonÕt forget to enter two values for this function. TIPS ON SPEED Napkin Calc, although no speed demon, still runs at decent speeds. WeÕre already working on ways to speed up things, but in the mean time, here are a few things you can do that might help the performance. The more formulas you have in a sheet, the longer itÕll take to update itself when you enter a new number. Combining formulas might sometimes be a solution. It may be faster for you to separate your data in several small sheets rather than one big sheet. This is more practical if you have many formulas. Keeping sheet sizes to a minimum also helps. Napkin Calc with display a sheet showing 20 cells a lot faster than one with 40 cells. This will also help you save memory. REVISIONS - OR WHATÕS NEW WITH U This is where you can see the evolution of Napkin Calc. It a quick way to learn whatÕs been happening since the last version you had. Napkin Calc 1.1: ItÕs about time! - New option to show/hide headers - Now remembers location of sheets - Option to remember opened sheets before closing - New function:ÊRAND(x,y) - New Function: IF(x,y,z) - Remembers attributes for empty cells - Formula editor has more space for formulas - Follows interface guidelines more closely - Better memory management - You no longer get an error when a formula has spaces or lower case cell references - Editor now shows a period or a comma, depending on ÒLocaleÓ setting in the preferences - A few display problems have been fixed - Fixed a bug that occurred when doing a ÒFillÓ - Fixed a bug that occurred when doing a ÒSUMÓ - Fixed a bug that was linked to the scrolling of a sheet - Deleting a sheet now updates the list of sheets Napkin Calc 1.0: Here we go! - Nothing new, this was the first version! THE FUTURE Of course, we already have some ideas for future versions... But your ideas are also very much welcome. We love to hear from people that use our applications (whether the comments are positive or negative). So send in your ideas if you have any! TheyÕll be greatly appreciated. WHILE WEÕRE AT IT This application is shareware. WeÕve put a lot of time in designing this, and plan to put more time in it still. You may use it for free for 15 days, but if you plan on using it after that period (either for personal use, or for business), you must register the application and send $25 to the following address: (Canadian and Quebec residents, add GST and PST). Macapa Software 440 Upper Edison #7 St-Lambert Quebec, CANADA J4R 2V5 Please include your name, address, phone number and an E-Mail address where we can reach you. If you have an E-Mail address, you will receive your user ID number the day we get your check. If you donÕt have one, you will receive the user ID by regular mail. Once you register for Napkin Calc, you are considered registered for all versions to come. Thank you. PS: This application is Copyrighted © to Les logiciels Macapa. It may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes (as long as this documentation is included, unchanged). Rights are reserved by the author.