Morgan Creek Medical, Inc. Because of trademark difficulties, we have changed the name from Medicus to ProMedex. We have switched the names of the data files (in the "storage" folder on your Newton). ProMedex 1.1 will automatically transfer the data from the old data files to the new ones. If you have never used Medicus or ProMedex you may disregard this notice. If you have used a version of ProMedex or the ProMedex Demo previous to version 1.1 you must do the following to ensure smooth transition of the data to the new files... 1) Make a backup of your newton (specifically the data files in the "storage" folder). Previously the data files were named: Medicus - the patient data Medicus User Data - user specific data (lab templates, etc.) 2) Erase the earlier version of Medicus or ProMedex from your MessagePad. 3) Install the ProMedex 1.1 package. 4) Run ProMedex1.1. The first time you start up ProMedex 1.1 the data from these files will be transfered to the following files: ProMedex ProMedex User Data 5) After starting ProMedex 1.1 view the data to make sure all was successfully transfered. 6) Quit ProMedex. 7) Remove the old data files (Medicus and Medicus User Data). ****IMPORTANT**** if you do not remove the "Medicus" file from the storage folder, every time you start up ProMedex 1.1 the data will be transfered into the ProMedex data file.