// // // // set icon resNum := OpenResFileX(home & "wvlan_icon.rsrc"); SetPartFrameSlot('icon, GetPictAsBits("icon", true ) ); CloseResFileX(resNum); // // append optional slots to part frame // SetPartFrameSlot('text, kAppName ); SetPartFrameSlot('TapAction, kFuncShowAbout ); //----------------------------------------------------------------- InstallScript := Func(PartFrame, RemoveFrame) Begin // See if the function is loaded. If GlobalFnExists( 'RegisterDevice ) then begin RegisterDevice( kAppSymbol, kLucentInfoFrame ); // // call kFuncRegisterDeviceLong with (); // end else begin GetRoot():Notify( kNotifyAlert, "Error!", "Unable to activate" && kAppName && "since Newton Device Drivers are not in the system" ); return; end; End; //----------------------------------------------------------------- RemoveScript := Func(removeFrame) Begin local pref; // // remove this package's entry in preference soup // // pref := GetAppPrefs( kAppSymbol, nil ); // if pref then begin // EntryRemoveFromSoup( pref ); // end; UnRegUserConfigChange( kAppSymbol ); // See if the function is loaded. If GlobalFnExists( 'UnRegisterDevice ) then begin // // call kFuncUnregisterDeviceLong with (); // UnRegisterDevice( kAppSymbol ); end; End;