GestureLaunch/Script 1.0 (C)1995 Innovative Computer Solutions, All Rights Reserved Written by Dan Rowley, Documentation by Tom Collins < Overview > GestureLaunch and GestureScript are ICS's answer to button bars and package launchers. Now you can assign up to four actions to each built-in button for a total of 24 different actions that are always available and don't take up as much heap or screen space as a button bar. Launch any package or NewtCase Archive with a simple gesture (select, caret, line, or scrub). GestureLaunch can even execute small NewtonScript programs entered with GestureScript (samples included). Shareware, $10. Free to NewtCase 2.x users. < Installation > This program is made up of three separate packages. GestureLaunch is the autopart that takes the gestures and performs your configured actions. The Scripts package is a dispatch only autopart (which means that it automatically deletes itself after you install it) that installs sample scripts for use with GestureLaunch and GestureScript. The GestureScript package is an optional program for advanced users who want to write their own NewtonScript programs for use with GestureLaunch. < Instructions > Before using GestureLaunch, you need to understand the four gestures it uses. The first, select, refers to holding the pen in one spot for a second. The caret is drawn like the roof of a house, from the starting point, up and to the right then down and to the right. The line is a simple horizontal line from left to right. The final gesture, scrub, is drawn as a series of up and down strokes like an M or W. You can configure GestureLaunch by selecting the overview button (tap and hold on the dot between the arrows at the bottom of the screen). After holding the pen down for a second, release it and the first GestureLaunch menu will appear. From the first menu, you can select the button you wish to configure. Once you select a button, the configuration screen for that button appears. For each button, you can assign an action for the four gestures (select, caret, line, and scrub). This version of GestureLaunch supports three actions: Launch a Package, Launch a NewtCase Archive and Execute a GestureScript. After selecting an action, you need to choose a package or GestureScript for that action. Once you have configured a gesture, you need to tap on the Save button to save your changes. Once you have configured GestureLaunch, tap on the close box of the first menu to exit the configuration screens. Now you can perform a gesture on one of the buttons to have GestureLaunch perform the associated action. < Using GestureScript > GestureLaunch includes a package of sample scripts. You only need to install GestureScript if you want to change those scripts or write your own. If you want to modify the sample scripts, please modify a copy instead of the original. Future releases of Script packages may replace the sample scripts with updated versions. You can delete all of GestureScript's scripts by selecting "Delete All Scripts" from the Info button. The GestureScript interface is very straightforward. When you edit a script, be sure to tap the "check" button to verify that it compiles correctly. If you have questions about GestureScript or wish to distribute a package of scripts, please contact (or DRowley on eWorld). If you want us to include some of your scripts in a future release, e-mail them to < Registration Information > This application is SHAREWARE. If you decide to keep it, please register by sending US$10.00 to Innovative Computer Solutions; ATTN: Tom Collins; 1075 North Miller Road, #142; Scottsdale, Arizona USA 85257-4612. Please include your name, the name of this utility (GestureLaunch 1.0), address (postal) and preferred e-mail address so we can contact you about updates and our other products. You can register by credit card through Kagi Shareware services. E-mail us to request a copy of the registration program, or connect to our WWW page or FTP directory to download it. You can also register GestureLaunch on CompuServe. GO SWREG and search for apps with the keyword "ICS" to see all of our programs. (at this time, GestureLaunch has not been assigned an SWREG number). Or, you can order our "NewtCase & Essentials" utility package and get NewtCase 2.2, SleepAid, NewtInfo, SoupKitchen and GestureLaunch/Script. It's only $49.95 from PelicanWare (503/221-1148). If you have registered any previous version of GestureLaunch, you are automatically registered for this version. Owners of NewtCase 2.0 and later are also registered for this version. PLEASE BE HONEST and register this software if you use it -- we can't continue to write cool Newton apps if we don't get any support. We deliberately priced GestureLaunch where anybody can afford it. Ten dollars really isn't that much, but it means a lot to us - please don't violate our trust by failing to register your shareware. < Bugs, Questions, Comments, Suggestions... > Send e-mail to the author, Dan Rowley, at For business messages (e.g., registration questions), please write You can also get general information by e-mailing, or find out what we're up to by mailing We want to develop Newton applications to fit YOUR needs. Give us feedback, let us know if we're doing it right. We're here for you. < Our Other Newton Applications > Check out our popular Newton utilities, NewtCase and SleepAid. They were voted numbers three and five (respectively) in the GNUT Top 10 Shareware List of September 1994. We're also responsible for HeapIt, NewtInfo, Newt21, ICS Fixer, GraffitiPatch, GestureLaunch, SoupKitchen, inLine and PrefsPatch. You can find our software on CompuServe (GO NEWTON), AOL (PDA and NEWTON), AppleLink, eWorld, and the Internet (,, etc.). Internet users should check out our World Wide Web page at and FTP files (always the latest versions) at < Legal Mumbo Jumbo > Newton, MessagePad, Connection Kit and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. GestureLaunch and GestureScript are trademarks of Innovative Computer Solutions. You can't sell GestureLaunch/Script, but you can charge a nominal fee for connect time or media (not to exceed $5). Contact the authors if you plan to include it in some sort of shareware/freeware collection or bundle it with a commercial product. In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The authors do not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. In no event shall the authors be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of critical data, loss of profits, interruption of business and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software. Have a nice day. ;-) Innovative Computer Solutions / (602) 970-1032 1075 N. Miller Rd. #142 / Scottsdale, Arizona USA 85257 Dan Rowley/ 73563,2343/eWorld: DRowley Tom Collins/ 75460,2121/eWorld: Innovative