========== WARNING: THIS PROGRAM IS WEIRD: ===================== READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST ==========Overview: Outline is an outliner. I wrote it because I find outlines very useful on the Newton and I found Dyno Notepad (the commercial product) slow, buggy, and without any import or export features (and I lost my data 3 times). Outline is not very Newton-like, but it has served me quite well so far. I made a few odd choices in writing it.In order to implement export and import easily and maintain data integrity, Outline stores its data as Notes. In fact, Outline is really just a alternate editor for any Note. This means you can use the fax, beam, mail and import or export facilities of the Notes application.Opening a Note and Saving a Note: (This is the weirdest part). When you open Outline, it presents an outline view of the "current note." The current note is the note at the top of the visible note page. If the current note contains no text, Outline will give an error message and refuse to open. This is not fatal to the Newton. (To open a new outline, create a new note, scroll it to the top of the page and write at least one character.) The flip-side of this behavior is saving. Changes you make to an outline are saved ONLY when you tap the "Save" button. If you close the Outline without saving, your changes are lost. There is a reason for this: the Outline will overwrite the Note and can lose some Note information because the Outline ignore all drawings and all test style information.Using Outline: There are two section to the application. The top shows a "view" of the outline: this is a much of the first line of each visible topic as will fit on the line. A "+" indicates that the topic has children (which may be visible), a "-" indicates that is doesn't.Each time you tap on a topic in the View, three things happen: (i) the children if any are made visible if not visible or made invisible if visible; (ii) the topic you tapped on is shown as selected; and (iii) the text of the selected topic appear in the text-area below the view (the "entry" area).Once having selected a topic you can: CHANGE THE TEXT OF THE SELECTED TOPIC: the Newton editing methods all work. In addition, the "C" button clears the text. Your changes are not recorded in the Outline until and unless you tap the "Enter" button. CREATE A NEW TOPIC: The "New" button pops up a menu to create a new child, sibling or aunt IMMEDIATELY BELOW THE SELECTED TOPIC. The new topic will be selected and have no text. (Yes I know the location of the new topic is not very "outlinish" but I prefer it this way.) PROMOTE OR DEMOTE THE SELECTED FAMILY: The entire family of which the selected topic is the parent can be moved to one level lower (demote) or one higher (promote) from the popup menu on the Edit button. The level change is performed in place, you may need to move the family. COPY OR CUT THE SELECTED FAMILY: again from the Edit button. Outline maintains an internal clipboard with the last copied or cut family. PASTE THE CLIPBOARD FAMILY immediately below the selected topic (again from the Edit menu).ADDITIONAL FEATURES:You can present an outline with any of several prefixes (none, bullets, Harvard, or Legal) by selecting the item from the popup menu on the "Prefix" button. This is a once per selection change - if you move or add a topic, the prefixes will not update. You can reselect the prefix popup to get the correct numbering.The Note is stored in normal text-file format for an Outline: each paragraph is a topic; The level of the topic is determined by the number of tabs at the beginning of the paragraph (with 0 as a top-level topic). The prefixes each have a tab after the visible part. (You can't see it on the Newton because tabs within a paragraph are ignored.) This is also the most common method of storing prefix info in an Outline text file, but is by no means as universal.Outline is a beta release. It is copyright 1994 by me (Stephen Millman, StephenM35@aol.com) but is freeware. Comments are invited.