Hilite2000 v1.2 For NOS 2.1 only EZpaste users - DELETE EZpaste BEFORE INSTALLING H2K!!! Honorware: $5.00 What's New? 1/14/2001 The clipboard palette now has buttons to move out of the way: move to top-left or bottom-left of the screen, move above or below the current text, stop/resume tracking the caret (the checkbox). This is very similar to my other app PunctPad. Installation Install internally, not on a card. What it does Hilite2000 (H2k) is an applet that makes it very simple to edit hilited text. When you select (hilite) text, what do you want done to it? Cut, copy, change the capitalization? H2k does this and more! Whenever you hilite text, H2k automatically brings up a palette of editing tools in the center of the Newton's screen: Cut, copy, capitalization, enclose with quotes, parenthesis, etc, remove spaces, stylize text (plain, bold, underline, italicize), increase/decrease font size, buttons for Assist, Find and the Styles palette. Once the text is unhilited, H2k dismisses itself - automatically! After cutting or copying text, a palette of paste, paste-copy and clear clipboard buttons will follow the caret around, allowing easy clipboard manipulation. (This is my EZpaste app). I think this should have been part of the operating system from the start. I don't think ANY other PDA has this feature! Aren't we Newton users lucky? Getting to the Preferences To disable/enable the cut/paste popup view: It's an Easter egg! Also displays the version number. Drop me an email to let me know how H2k has helped you edit text on your Newton! Way-Chung Wong Byte-Size Software http://members.earthlink.net/~firstvln/bytesize.html firstvln@earthlinknet Version History 1.2 - Added buttons to move the paste/copy palette. 1.1b - Preference to disable/enable the cut/past view. 1.1 - Added delete button; remembers last position on screen. 1.0 - Initial release