Newton 2.x OS Q&As
Copyright © 1997 Newton, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Newton, Newton Technology, Newton Works, the Newton, Inc. logo, theNewton Technology logo, the Light Bulb logo and MessagePad aretrademarks of Newton, Inc. and may be registered in the U.S.A. andother countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.All other trademarks and company names are the intellectual propertyof their respective owners.
This document addresses Newton 2.x OS development issuesthat are not available in the currently printed documentation. Pleasenote that this information is subject to change as the Newtontechnology and development environment evolve. If you havesuggestions on how to improve the quality or accessibility of theNewton Q&As, please email J. Christopher Bell atbell@newton.apple.com. For the most recent version of the Q&As onthe World Wide Web, check the URL:
If you want one archive of Q&As to download to your desktopcomputer, download theWindowsarchive orMacOS archive. If you want one HTML file with all Q&As,go to the large (450K) 'full Q&A' page.This document was exported on 7/23/97. NEW: What Is a Nasty Practice (5/12/97)